Juhana Perkki

(Väinö Kaarlo Juhana Perkki)

Suomi, 1915-2006


Golding, William: Kärpästen herra. (Lord of the Flies, 1954). ?.painos: Otava 2013.
Golding, William: Kärpästen herra. (Lord of the Flies, 1954). ?.painos: Suuri Suomalainen Kirjakerho 1984.
Golding, William: Kärpästen herra. (Lord of the Flies, 1954). ?.painos: Otava 2007.
Golding, William: Kärpästen herra. (Lord of the Flies, 1954). 2.p: Otava 1968.
Golding, William: Kärpästen herra. (Lord of the Flies, 1954). ?.painos: Otava 2000.
Golding, William: Kärpästen herra. (Lord of the Flies, 1954). Otava 1960.
Golding, William: Kärpästen herra. (Lord of the Flies, 1954). ?.painos: Otava 1990.
Condon, Richard: Mantšurian sankari. (The Manchurian Candidate, 1959). Otava 1960.