Doyle, Arthur Conan

Hopeakirves ja muita kummallisia kertomuksia

2018 (englanti)

  • Kauhu Kauhu
  • Kokoelma Kokoelma
Brown-Pericord-moottori (The Great Brown-Pericord Motor, 1892)
Hopeakirves (The Silver Hatchet, 1883)
Hopeapeili (The Silver Mirror, 1908)
Juovikas arkku (The Striped Chest, 1897)
Kuinka se tapahtui (How It Happened, 1913)
Menneisyyden muistoja (Through the Veil, 1911)
Tapaus Arizonassa (The American's Tale, 1880)
Tärkeä leikkaus (The Case of Lady Sannox, 1893)
Uusi katakombi (The New Catacomb, 1898)
Jackman's Gulchin pastori (The Parson of Jackman's Gulch, 1885)
Sinetöity huone (The Story of the Sealed Room, 1898)
Kaviaariruukku (The Pot of Caviare, 1908)



Nysalor-kustannus 2018.
136 sivua. 21 cm.
ISBN 978-952-7275-08-5Nidottu.