

Riordan, Rick: Kokelaan koitos. Apollon. (Camp Jupiter Classified: A Probatio's Journal, 2020).
Riordan, Rick: Vaiennut oraakkeli. Apollon 1. (Trials of Apollo 1: The Hidden Oracle, 2016).
Riordan, Rick: Synkkä ennustus. Apollon 2. (Trials of Apollo 2: The Dark Prophecy, 2017).
Riordan, Rick: Palava labyrintti. Apollon 3. (Trials of Apollo 3: The Burning Maze, 2018).
Riordan, Rick: Tyrannin hauta. Apollon 4. (Trials of Apollo 4: The Tyrant's Tomb, 2019).
Riordan, Rick: Keisarin torni. Apollon 5. (Trials of Apollo 5: The Tower of Nero, 2020).