Dalby, Richard (toim.)

Suuri kummituskirja

The Mammoth Book of the Ghost Stories (1990)
Book Studio 1993. 1.p
Richard Dalby (toim)
Pertti Koskela (suom)
403 sivua. 18 cm.
ISBN 951-611-550-0 Nidottu.
  • Kauhu Kauhu
  • Kokoelma Kokoelma
  • Novellit
    Dickens, Charles: Kauppamatkustajan setä (The Bagman's Uncle, 1837)
    Lawrence, D. H.: Viimeinen nauru (The Last Laugh, 1925)
    Poe, Edgar Allan: William Wilson (1839)
    Wilde, Oscar: Cantervillen kummitus (The Canterville Ghost, 1887)
    Baldwin, Louisa: Lähtö hotellista (How He Left the Hotel, 1894)
    Benson, E. F.: Suljettu huone (The Shuttered Room, 1929)
    Bierce, Ambrose: Muuan Kalmalan asukas (An Inhabitant of Carcosa, 1886)
    Collins, Wilkie: Rouva Zant ja kummitus (Mrs Zant and the Ghost, 1885)
    Cram, Ralph Adams: Kropfsbergin linnan tornissa (In Kropfsberg Keep, 1895)
    Doyle, Arthur Conan: Brocas Courtin pukari (The Bully of Brocas Court, 1921)
    Hodgson, William Hope: Menetettyjen lasten laakso (The Valley of Lost Children, 1906)
    James, Henry: Todella oikea teko (The Real Right Thing, 1892)
    James, M. R.: Kummitteleva nukkekoti (The Haunted Dolls' House, 1923)
    Kipling, Rudyard: "He" (They, 1904)
    Marsh, Richard: Viidestoista mies (The Fifteenth Man, 1900)
    Riddell, J. H.: Tilanomistaja Ennismoren lähtö (The Last of Squire Ennismore, 1888)
    Twain, Mark: Kummitustarina (A Ghost Story, 1875)
    White, Edward Lucas: Painajaisten talo (The House of the Nightmare, 1906)
    O'Brien, Fitz-James: Mikä se oli? (What Was It? A Mystery, 1859)
    Defoe, Daniel: Kummitus kaikissa huoneissa (The Ghost in All the Rooms, 1727)
    Edwards, Amelia B.: Rippituolissa (In the Confessional, 1871)
    Hume, Fergus: Hiekallakulkija (The Sand-Walker, 1906)
    Le Fanu, Sheridan: Uni (The Dream, 1894)
    Nesbit, Edith: Abraham-sedän romanssi (Uncle Abraham's Romance, 1893)
    O'Sullivan, Vincent: Viereinen huone (The Next room, 1928)
    Pater, Roger: Askeleet Aventinella (The Footstep of the Aventine, 1923)
    Wintle, William J.: Kummitushämähäkki (The Spectre Spiders, 1921)