Marja Sinkkonen



Jordan, Robert: Callandor. (The Dragon Reborn. Book Three of the Wheel of Time, luvut 30-56, 1991). Karisto 1999.
Jordan, Robert: Callandor. (The Dragon Reborn. Book Three of the Wheel of Time, luvut 30-56, 1991). 2.p: Karisto 2002.
Matheson, Richard: Helvetin talo. (Hell House, 1971). Jalava 1990.
Pratchett, Terry & Gaiman, Neil: Hyviä enteitä - Noita Agnes Nutterin Hienot ja Oikeat Ennustukset. (Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch, 1990). Jalava 1992.
Pratchett, Terry: Johan riitti!. (Equal Rites, 1987). Karisto 2001.
Pratchett, Terry: Johan riitti!. (Equal Rites, 1987). 2.p: Karisto 2003.
Sadelehto, Markku (toim.): Kauhupokkari 1. (1991). Jalava 1991.
Jordan, Robert: Lohikäärmeviiri. (The Great Hunt. Book Two of the Wheel of Time, luvut 25-50, 1990). Karisto 1998.
Jordan, Robert: Lohikäärmeviiri. (The Great Hunt. Book Two of the Wheel of Time, luvut 25-50, 1990). 2.p: Karisto 2002.
Jordan, Robert: Maailmansilmä. (The Eye of the World. Book One of the Wheel of Time, luvut 24-53, 1990). 2.p: Karisto 2002.
Jordan, Robert: Maailmansilmä. (The Eye of the World. Book One of the Wheel of Time, luvut 24-53, 1990). Karisto 1997.
Pratchett, Terry: Magian väri. (The Colour of Magic, 1983). 2.p: Karisto 2004.
Pratchett, Terry: Magian väri. (The Colour of Magic, 1983). Karisto 2000.
Haining, Peter (toim.): Murha à la Carte. (Murder on the Menu, 1991). 2.p: Book Studio 1998.
Haining, Peter (toim.): Murha à la Carte. (Murder on the Menu, 1991). 4.p: Gummerus 2007.
Haining, Peter (toim.): Murha à la Carte. (Murder on the Menu, 1991). Book Studio 1996.
Haining, Peter (toim.): Murha à la Carte. (Murder on the Menu, 1991). 3.p: Gummerus 2005.
Pratchett, Terry: Noitia maisemissa. (Witches Abroad, 1991). 2.p: Karisto 2000.
Pratchett, Terry: Noitia maisemissa. (Witches Abroad, 1991). Karisto 1997.
Jordan, Robert: Pimeän varjo. (The Shadow Rising. Book Four of the Wheel of Time, luvut 1-21, 1992). 2.p: Karisto 2002.
Jordan, Robert: Pimeän varjo. (The Shadow Rising. Book Four of the Wheel of Time, luvut 1-21, 1992). Karisto 1999.
Tuttle, Lisa (toim.): Sielusi hipiä. (Skin of the Soul, 1990). Kääntöpiiri 1993.
Harrison, Harry & Stover, Leon: Stonehenge - Atlantiksen tuho. (Stonehenge: Where Atlantis Died, 1983). WSOY 1993.
Jordan, Robert: Tornin salaisuus. (The Dragon Reborn. Book Three of the Wheel of Time, luvut 1-29, 1991). Karisto 1998.
Jordan, Robert: Tornin salaisuus. (The Dragon Reborn. Book Three of the Wheel of Time, luvut 1-29, 1991). 2.p: Karisto 2002.
Jordan, Robert: Vaarojen taival. (The Eye of the World. Book One of the Wheel of Time, luvut 1-23, 1990). 3.p: Karisto 2002.
Jordan, Robert: Vaarojen taival. (The Eye of the World. Book One of the Wheel of Time, luvut 1-23, 1990). Karisto 1996.
Jordan, Robert: Valeren torvi. (The Great Hunt. Book Two of the Wheel of Time, luvut 1-24, 1990). 2.p: Karisto 2002.
Jordan, Robert: Valeren torvi. (The Great Hunt. Book Two of the Wheel of Time, luvut 1-24, 1990). Karisto 1997.
Pratchett, Terry: Valkoparta karjupukki. (Hogfather, 1996). 2.p: Karisto 2001.
Pratchett, Terry: Valkoparta karjupukki. (Hogfather, 1996). Karisto 1998.
Pratchett, Terry: Valon tanssi. (The Light Fantastic, 1986). 2.p: Karisto 2004.
Pratchett, Terry: Valon tanssi. (The Light Fantastic, 1986). Karisto 2001.
Pratchett, Terry: Vartijat hoi!. (Guards! Guards!, 1989). Karisto 1999.
Pratchett, Terry: Vartijat hoi!. (Guards! Guards!, 1989). 2.p: Karisto 2001.
Pratchett, Terry: Viikatemies. (Reaper Man, 1991). Karisto 1996.
Pratchett, Terry: Viikatemies. (Reaper Man, 1991). 2.p: Karisto 2000.
Slung, Michele (toim.): Värisyttävä kosketus 2. (Shudder Again, 1993). Book Studio 1995.
Silverberg, Robert: Yösiivet. (Nightwings, 1969). Book Studio 1994.


Alenevassa polvessa (Descendant, 1987)
Eräs elämä, varhaisen Moorcockin sävyissä (One Life, Furnished in Early Moorcock, 1994)
Julmuuden Teatteri (Theatre of Cruelty, 1993)
Oi katso kuinka tammi iäti kukkivi (Lo, How an Oak E'er Blooming, 1986)
Pikkujuttu (Bagatelle, 1974)
Päiväntasaus (Equinoctial, 1977)
Pääosassa (Special Feature, 1991)
Synnittä (Immaculate, 1991)
Total Recall (We Can Remember It for You Wholesale, 1966)
Uupunut enkeli (Tired Angel, 1990)